If you’re looking for a way to pamper yourself with CBD, why not try a CBD manicure in the comfort of home? With a few CBD beauty products and a little bit of setup, you can create a CBD mani-pedi right in your living room. Follow these steps and recreate a nail salon experience without needing to spend a ton of money on services! Follow this step-by-step guide and learn how to do a cannabis manicure and pedicure all by yourself!
You’re going to need to set out a few handy items to complete this CBD spa experience. Be sure to place all items within reach of the space that you are setting up. This way you can complete each step without stopping. Grab a couple of dry, clean towels. Make sure you have your favorite nail polish, CBD oil, and CBD lotion.
Fill a deep foot basin or bowl halfway with warm water. In addition, add a CBD bath bomb to the foot basin. Lay out one of your towels on the floor to catch any water spills. Place your foot basin on top of this towel. If you do not currently possess some of these CBD beauty products, do not fret. We will connect you with recipes to make all of them.
Now that your setup is complete, it’s time to start your relaxing CBD manicure/pedicure.
This might be one of your favorite parts. Enjoy soothing warm water while a CBD bath bomb bubbles and fizzes surrounding your feet. Let your feet soak up a rich bath bomb for a minute before you start the next process. After all, you’re supposed to enjoy this!
If you need to create a CBD bath bomb, check out this recipe. Be sure to make this cannabis beauty product ahead of time so that is ready for your CBD treatment. Choose a desired scent and create customized canna bath bombs to enhance your CBD manicure experience.
For this step, you may need to create a cannabis lotion. Click here to check out the recipe. This coconut body lotion smells beautiful and may help transport your mind to a tropical destination.
While your feet are lapping up the benefits of CBD oil from the bath bomb, get started on your hands. First, treat yourself to a luxurious cannabis massage with CBD lotion. Add a dime-size dollop to your palm and begin to rub into your hands.
Remember, don’t forget to work this lotion into your cuticle. You want to moisturize as best as you can. Gently massage your cannabis lotion into your skin reaching all the way up to your elbows. Rub the CBD moisturizer in until it is fully absorbed. Once this is complete, it is time to move forward.
This step requires CBD massage oil. If you would like to create your own massage oil with CBD, check out this recipe. This recipe works very well and is easy to make!
Slowly remove your feet from the water and place them on the towel. Use your other towel to dry them off fully. Add a dime size drop of CBD massage oil to your hands. Slowly begin to massage your legs and let the tension fall away.
Work the cannabis massage oil into your skin while you work out tightness. Continue to massage your legs and feet until the oil is absorbed and you are feeling great! Be sure to work this oil into the cuticles of your toes so that you add moisturizer to your nails. Most importantly, don’t forget to enjoy every minute!
You’re going to use a CBD scrub to exfoliate your feet. If you need to create a cannabis scrub, follow this recipe. Otherwise scoop a dollop of CBD scrub into your hands. Massage gently in circular motions all over your feet. Continue this process until you feel that you are finished exfoliating.
Rinse off the CBD scrub and dry your feet fully. Then, apply the CBD lotion that you used on your hands to follow. Rub into your feet while gently massaging until the coconut CBD moisturizer is completely absorbed.
Grab your tools and polish. It’s time to start making your nails look their best. Carefully trim your nails to a preferable length. Then, file your nails to smooth out any rough edges. You will need to do this for your hands and feet. If you are choosing to color your nails, ensure that your nails dry completely before adding polish.
If you are feeling creative, you can even create a cannabis leaf motif on your nails! Simply grab a stencil and fill in the shape with your desired color. Why not make them green?
Let dry according to polish instructions. To finish of the CBD mani and pedi, add one drop of CBD oil to your palm. If your polish is completely dry, rub the cannabis oil into your hands. Be sure to massage this oil into your nails and hands as a finishing touch.
We hope that your nails are looking amazing and that you’re feeling great too. This is all it takes to create a weed mani/pedi at home! Check out our other articles to learn the many ways you can use your new CBD beauty products. Tag us in a photo on Facebook to show us how your nails turn out! Or, hit us up in the comments below and tell us about your at home manicure experience!
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