CBD is the hottest item on the beauty scene. But does CBD Make Your Skin Glow?
CBD has many different therapeutic functions that can benefit our health and well-being.
One of these benefits is impacting our overall mood and being able to help with things like chronic pain, anxiety, insomnia (sometimes better than sleeping pills), depression, and more.
If you’re finding yourself suffering from any of these conditions, CBD is most likely your next go-to remedy.
If you’re not on the CBD bandwagon yet, you may be wondering if there are any additional benefits of this all-natural substance.
Before we get into the fun part and tell you what CBD can do for your skin, let’s first have a bit of a look at what it can do for your body in general.
So, here’s a list of some of the most common believed CBD health benefits:
Using CBD topically can help treat seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and acne vulgaris.
There may also be some benefits of applying CBD as a moisturizer or using it in a facial recipe at home for your skin.
But what about all these anti-ageing benefits that are making people love CBD so much?
One of the hottest properties of this all-natural substance is that it works to slow down cellular damage that occurs due to oxidative stress and can protect cells from free radicals.
So here’s a great facial mask DIY recipe you can use at home to help your skin glow!
Recommended skin type: All types
3 tablespoons ground oats
2-3 drops CBD oil of choice
½ mashed avocado
½ teaspoon raw honey
In a food processor or blender, grind the oats into a fine powder. In a small bowl, mix together oats, mashed avocado, raw honey and CBD drops until you have formed a smooth paste.
Then, apply to skin and leave on for 10-15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Pat dry. Apply your favourite CBD moisturizer for ultimate hydration.
If you’re looking to learn more about enhancing your beauty, health and wellness routine, you may want to start here.
For more DIY skin care recipes and tips, check out our latest articles.
Interested in using cannabis as a wellness alternative? Click here.
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