Do you want to give your horses CBD as a means to help their anxiety or nerves? Today we’re going to explore if you Can You Give Your Horse Treats With CBD.
After experiencing the wellness benefits of this non-intoxicating cannabinoid for myself, I wanted to share it with my horse.
With so much chatter about CBD oil for animals, I’ll admit that it has had me more than curious to find out if CBD is safe.
I also wondered how I can make yummy little DIY CBD treats for my pal.
Researching and reading up evidence to support my quest wasn’t easy!
But I found some interesting facts that may help you decide if CBD is right for your horse.
I’ll help guide you and share with you all of my findings so you can decide for yourself.
Much like food for us, in the USA, the FDA regulates food for pets.
If you’re Canadian like me, we are definitely affected and governed by similar organizations and groups.
Humans and horses have what is called the ECS or endocannabinoid system, I can only guess that the effects would be the same, all be it on a larger scale for our bigger buddies.
The ECS controls and monitors balance and instabilities within the horses body (and ours), and it ensures that the internal environments within stay stable and healthy.
CBD and other cannabinoids are special chemicals or compounds that activate and work with this system.
In the ECS, there are to MAIN cell receptors called CB1 and CB2. These tiny receptors are responsible for our nervous system, intestinal tract, appetite, memory, emotions and pain.
CBD attaches to these receptors in humans to achieve similar wellness benefits. Could the same be for our horses?
Since CBD studies have proven that CBD oil can help people with pain, stress, anxiety, inflammation, and chronic pain, there are a few considerations when deciding if CBD is best for your horse.
Maybe, just maybe, CBD is the right holistic approach for your horses’ wellness?
In my experience, I would recommend a CBD isolate or broad-spectrum only.
CBD isolate means that the product contains CBD only, and no other naturally occuring cannabinoids including THC – which is what makes us high.
In products that are labeled as isolate, terpenes and flavonoids have also been fully extracted and removed.
Broad spectrum means that the product contains compounds like terpenes, BUT THC has been fully removed/extracted so you won’t get high, and neither will your horse.
Just like with humans, dosages are dependent on weight and on the severity of the wellness situation.
It’s also best to dose LOW and SLOW and increase as needed.
Trial and error, when done properly, slowly and with support from your Veterinarian is the best way to explore the correct amount of CBD to administer to your horse.
It does take time for animals to adjust to anything ‘ foreign’ in their bodies, much like us, so give it time.
In a recent article about CBD for pets, we’ve outlined the best and most safest ways to give our pets CBD treats.
Please read it here first. It’s our goal that you educate yourself as best as possible, and to be clear that we are not endorsing the administration of CBD for horses, but providing support and guidelines should you consider it.
Studies and research say that CBD can be safe for pets, so is it the same for horses?
One website dedicated to horse treats with CBD recommends using 15 mg- 20 mg’s per treat, and no more than 30 mg per day for average-normal sized equines.
Even though experts have been studying CBD for decades, a lot more research needs to be done to link the wellness benefits of CBD to horses.
If you’d like to try out a special treat for your horse, check out the recipe below and let us know your thoughts in the comments!
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One Response
I would like some more thc recipes Thank you