If you’re looking for a crunchy and satisfying way to enjoy weed, try making our Air Fryer Cannabutter Corn Ribs Recipe!
When I was a kid, growing up on the farm, we always had corn. I can remember hot balmy summer days while crunching away happily on my Mom’s corn on the cob recipe – of course, totally drenched in butter.
Is there any other way to eat corn? I think not!
Soaking up the sun, without a care in the world and butter dripping down the sides of my face. Thinking back it was those simple times, enjoying food that made me happiest.
The recipe today is a spin on those wonderful childhood memories you may have also had – and if you didn’t, you can create new ones with your partner, or friends with one adult-addition:
This decadent, magical, velvety-smooth ingredient makes everything happy!
If you don’t already own an air fryer – it might be a worthwhile investment because you can make literraly thousands of recipes that include cannabis!
Air Fryer’s range anywhere from $80+ and the good ones have easy digital controls with one-touch features – making it easy to just throw in your food and walk away!
Check with your local retailers, or if you love Amazon – check out this model.
If you already know, just skip ahead to the recipe for today – but if you’re just starting out and you’d like to know how to properly make weed butter – here is our no-fail recipe!
Everything is fresh, delicious and savoury for Air Fryer Cannabutter Corn Ribs Recipe.
Here’s what you’ll need:
Pair this with a delicious glass of cannabis-infused tequila for a seriously refreshing and crunchy-yummy meal!
You’ll want to make sure you have a sturdy cutting board and a seriously sharp knife to cut through these cobs.
Because we’re making ‘ribs’ = you’l want to cut off the ends of each cob, so that the little ‘handles’ are gone, and you can stand up each cob of corn on the cutting board like a fence post.
In order to ensure that it doesn’t slip- drizzle a little oil on the cutting board with some salt – it will act as a sort of grip so the corn won’t slide around as much.
I like to use what I call my ‘corn pokers’ to firmly hold the top of the cob in place and I slide my knife right from the top, down the middle. That’s how you make them look like little ribs!
Once they are in the air fryer, they’ll naturally curl up and look even more like ribs.
On to the recipe!
If you’re looking to up-level your canna-cooking or baking game, or you want more of a canna-challenge, you may want to start here.
For more recipes like this one, check out our recipe index here.
And if you love how-to-videos, our YouTube channel has everything you need.
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As always, happy canna-cooking!
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