Horse-hoof problems are an unfortunate reality for any horse owner and today we’re exploring CBD Oil for Horse-Hoof Relief!
Hoof pain may be caused by many factors, but that doesn’t make it any less difficult to deal with.
CBD oil has emerged as a recent natural option that can provide relief for a number of issues with one of them being the possible relief of dry, cracked hooves.
CBD, or Cannabidiol, is one of the over 60 compounds in cannabis plants and works by interacting with receptors in the endocannabinoid system to produce therapeutic effects.
While it does grow from the cannabis plant, CBD isolate or broad-spectrum does not contain any amounts of THC ( the psychoactive component that gets you high)
In fact, studies in humans have shown promising and beneficial results for using CBD for all types of ailments, skin issues, nails, and medical illnesses.
Perhaps it can work the same wonders on our four legged Equines?
Joint pain, for starters, maybe something CBD can help with.
There is a wealth of anecdotal evidence showing the benefits of CBD oil on various ailments, but many questions remain.
The short answer is yes!
Much like when you apply CBD to your own nails for nourishment – CBD oil can be applied to a horse’s hooves when done in moderation.
CBD is non-psychoactive, (meaning it will not get you high).
And you’ll be applying it to the outside, rather than the inside of a horse.
It can prove to be very effective in helping with cracks, inflammation and possibly even fungus too.
More studies with CBD and horses need to be conducted, but countless horse-owners have been using CBD oil mixed with coconut oil on horse hooves for years.
While results will vary, and we always suggest speaking with your Farrier or Vet – you may want to try using a small amount to help heal hoof issues.
Of course, because more studies and tests are required.
And we can’t tell you with scientific certainty that this will work, but over the years, we’ve seen and heard countless positive stories from Equestrians who absolutely LOVE using CBD oil on their horses and ponies!
Navigating the world of Cannabis for your health and wellness can be challenging and exciting too!
For more articles on CBD for pets, go here.
Start here to learn more about CBD oil benefits.
Create your own at-home recipes using CBD infusions here.
Learning more about CBG oil benefits might also be a great start.
As always, wishing you the best in weed-wellness!
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