Today we are going to discover the incredible 5 Ways Cannabis Topicals Benefits Your Skin.
When you apply Cannabis products directly to your skin like balms, salves, and lotions there is a high possibility that you may also feel relief from pain and anxiety, without the intoxicating effects.
If you have never tried cannabis topicals, you’re in for a treat because not only are they fantastically moisturizing, they’re magical on your skin!
Cannabis topicals are any type of cannabis product that is applied directly to the skin.
You can purchase a variety of them from oils, balms, ointments, bath bombs, lotions, face cream and more!
Cannabis topicals continue to grow in popularity as cannabis use grows across the country, and as consumers quickly see their benefits ranging from pain relief to inflammation relief.
One of the major benefits of applying cannabis to the skin is that it will not get you high as opposed to consuming edibles or smoking.
So NO – you will not get high. When cannabis is applied to the skin, even if it contains THC, it will not get you high.
The cannabis plant contains over 500 active compounds, and the reason why cannabis is such a wonderful product is because of all these different compounds like cannabinoids, terpenes, etc.
Full-spectrum means that a wide range of cannabinoids are included in the products you are using, including THC.
Harvard Health studies show that CBD may offer an option for treating different types of chronic pain.
CBD can also be helpful in relieving arthritis pain and inflammation.
2. May Reduce Anxiety and Depression
Cannabis oils applied topically are often helpful in managing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
CBD has the most evidence to support that it could really and truly help!
3. Helps Alleviate Cancer-Related Symptoms
Cancer-related side-effects that stem from treatment such as nausea, pain, and vomiting may be treated with cannabis and it’s one of the main conditions when applying for a Medical Marijuana Card.
Cannabis oil may also help alleviate associated pain.
4. Support With Neurological Disorders
Oral sprays containing CBD have been used to help reduce muscle spasms and possibly even reduce epilepsy seizures in children.
They may also prevent neurological degeneration of people with Alzheimer’s disease, as CBD has been found and studied to be a powerful neuroprotectant.
5. Reduces Signs Of Aging Skin
It is a high possibility that when using cannabis topicals, you could help reverse the signs of aging, and nourish your skin with the healing benefits of cannabis creams and topicals.
It may also help alleviate acne, rosacea and firm up the skin to nourish it beautifully.
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