So what exactly is CBD Coffee and is it good for you?
Coffee and Cannabis lovers everywhere couldn’t be happier. Finally a marriage of one of life’s two finest things: Coffee and Cannabis.
And what’s so big about CBD Coffee? Aside from the wonderful, alert yet relaxing buzz – our CBD Coffee K-Cups are made with the support and help of honey bees!
(More about that in a moment.)
You could head over to your local specialty coffee shop, spend half a paycheque and switch your choice from Pumpkin Spice Lattes to CBD lattes!
It would definitely add a wellness benefit to your morning java. But why travel when you can do it from home and save your hard-earned cash?
The newest offering in CBD coffees is cannabidiol which is added to plain coffee or blended into a latte. Customers who have enjoyed our CBD Coffee K-Cups have said:
“You feel a nice, natural peacefulness while still feeling alert.”
Absolutely! You don’t need to own a Keurig to enjoy our CBD coffee k-cups. There is plenty of no-name and high-end coffee machines that will do the trick.
If you already have a Keurig, then you’re good to go! If you’re looking to invest in one, Amazon is the place to go.
If you’re someone who likes to do a lot of research ( which we encourage), then you’ll already know that CBD can offer a buffet of benefits for your wellness.
From helping joint pain to assisting in alleviating inflammation, digestive upset, and skin issues all the way to severe and chronic pain – CBD has had many positive effects on millions of people.
Now we need the research to catch up. Sometimes you just can’t catch a good thing!
And no, you won’t get high as our coffee is infused with CBD and has 0 traces of THC.
Our customers have, however, noticed their mood improving over time, hair growth, skin clearing up and digestive system ( aka being able to go regularly) has taken a turn for the better!
Don’t take it from us, do your research and try it out! It’s been around for ages, and who knows, maybe even Cleopatra herself used it for her glorious glowing skin?
We offer a delicious tri-pack of deliciously roasted coffee as convenient little k-cups!
Each has its own unique flavor profile and blend that is as beautiful and unique as the country form which it comes from.
Roasted and carefully infused with CBD, these k-cups will be your next favorite addition to your mornings and life.
They will literally be everything.
Our coffee is 100% biodegradable and compostable and almost all of the blends are 95-100% certified organic.
Our coffee is based on hemp extracts processed through honey bees who love hemp. This produces a unique hemp extract fortified honey.
With coffee grown on an organic farm located in the mountains of Guatemala, these CBD coffee k-cups have a deep, bold flavor profile that is rich and chocolatey, sweet, fruity, and complex.
Our Colombian blend is a single-source Colombian medium roast combined with a lighter roast Costa Rican coffee. The flavors are dark cherry and berry. Yum!
From Brazil, our Breakfast Blend is a mild, robust, and medium roast. Perfect for Breakfast or even a mid-afternoon pick-me-up.
Absolutely you can! Just brew one k-cup ( we suggest Columbian) and while brewing a fresh coffee, steam your favorite kind of milk. We love this automatic milk frother found on Amazon.
You can add in vanilla extract, a little honey or Canadian maple syrup to give yourself a little sweetness or a treat whenever you feel like it.
If you’re on the keto diet – why not make a little bulletproof latte with clarified butter (ghee) coconut oil (MCT) and our CBD coffee? Perfect for your wellness habits!
Of course, enjoy our coffee liberally but we do want you to be safe. If you need to, first have a conversation with your primary care physician about how CBD coffee could benefit you.
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