Is there anything better than a nice, hot cup of tea? It warms you from the inside out and today we’re exploring Top 4 Cannabis Tea Infusions.
High tea just took on a whole new meaning when you have cannabis involved!
And we haven’t forgotten about the second best part: biscuits with tea. Right? A cup of tea just naturally gets better when there’s a delicious cookie to pair it with.
Stick around, as we dive into the Top 4 Cannabis Tea Infusions.
#1. Cannabis Peppermint Tea
Peppermint tea is one of my favourites. Especially around this time of year when everyone seems to be heading back to school, work, etc and you want to soothe your throat.
In addition to that, I always find that peppermint tea helps digestion and upset stomach-related issues.
Combine that with the superpowers of cannabis – the anti-inflammatory superhero, and you’ve got a recipe for wellness success!
An easy way to make weed tea with cannabis oil powder and dry tea herbs.
Add your sugar and stir with wooden spoon until it's all dissolved
Add your tea bags to the water and let it steep for 10 minutes
Once it's cooled to room temperature, you can remove the tea bags and transfer the liquid to a large glass jug – leave enough room at the top.
Pour your juice inside (optional)
Pour your store-bought kombucha inside
With very clean and sanitized hands, gently slide in your SCOBY. It's okay if it sinks or floats – let it be. Do not adjust it.
Dip in in your decarbed cannabis – either with cheesecloth or pantyhouse. Tighten the lid, seal it up and ensure no air can get in – this is the fermentation process.
Gently place your jug somewhere warm, dark, and quiet. 75-85 F is an ideal temp.
Checking on your Cannabis Kombucha
Leave your kombucha alone for a few days, untouched.
After about 4 days, check on your batch by either noticing tiny little bubbles OR taking a straw and having a small sip of your batch. It should taste sweet. Seal it back up thought, it needs to ferment more to reach the best levels!
Leave it for another 4-7 days. Check it every 4 days or so. When you test it, if it has the right amount of fizz and taste – then it's ready for you!
And if you love how-to-videos, our YouTube channel has everything you need.
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As always, happy canna-cooking!
Steph Van De Ven
I am a prof writer/blogger & love my daily dose. I'm Canadian-Dutch, a horse owner, and love exploring new CBD & THC recipes, trends & products to share with you! #Cannadish