I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love a good picnic. And what’s even better than a good picnic?
Picnics are generally relaxing and chill. You choose a spot with your partner or pals that has a great view and smooth area to fan out your big comfy blanket.
Everyone knows that when you have a pot picnic, you must come prepared with edibles and cannabis dishes that WOW, and we’ll show you exactly how!
Edibles and food are always the stars of the show and your pot-picnic is no exception!
Easy! Probably the best part of the picnic is chowing down on weed-brownies. They’re decadent and delicious. You won’t be able to eat just one!
3. Pot brownies – classic, chocolatey, rich, and packed with pot. These little babies are going to make your picnic rad.
You’re going to get thirsty and you may want to hydrate if it’s hot outside, so check out our favorite weed-infused drinks:
It’s time to pack your goodies up, pick a gorgeous spot, invite your partner or pal and spend a few hours munching and lounging in the gorgeous sunshine.
Here’s your Pot-Picnic Checklist:
Let us know what else you decided to bring on your pot-picnic and enjoy!
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