Many marijuana enthusiasts confidently medicate through standard methods. These methods include smoking and vaping. However, these connoisseurs possess reservations against weed edibles despite their lengthy experience. Why is this, you ask? Cooking with marijuana is somewhat of a guessing game if you don’t know how to dose cannabis. Fortunately, the climate is changing and instruments and guides are circulating the internet. These tools allow you to correctly dose cannabis edibles.
Unfortunately, it can be difficult to convince someone that this science is evolving. Especially if they are referencing an unforgettably terrible experience. Incorrect dosing can lead to severe discomfort. This is a common deterrent for people to not ever try cooking with cannabis.
Notably, cannabis edibles do not need to be an intense, powerful, nor an overwhelming experience. Unless, of course, this is what you are looking for. If you get the numbers right and work with a formula, an edible can be a fantastic therapeutic, cerebral high. Yes, eating marijuana does feel much different than smoking it. However, the overall experience should at least feel familiar. Even if you’ve overdone it in the past, today there are clearer methods of safely and accurately determining dosage.
Before getting started, determine the following information:
Step-by-Step Calculation to Determine Potency Per Serving
(total product in mg) x (potency %) = (THC content in mg)
For example:
10g x 1,000mg = 10,000 mg of weed
10,000 mg x 10% potency = 1000mg of THC
(THC content in mg) / (infusion product in cups) = (THC content per cup)
For example:
1000mg of THC / 4 cups of butter = 250mg of THC per cup of butter
(THC content per cup) x (XX) cups = (Total THC in the dish)
(Total THC in the dish) / (XX) serving = (THC potency per serving)
For example:
250mg THC x 2 cups of butter in the recipe = 500mg THC in the final dish
500mg / 25 servings = 25mg of THC per serving
Once you grasp the basic concept of the calculation, it’s very easy to craft your cannabis cooking experience to suit your needs. If you eat an entire 25 mg serving and determine that it isn’t powerful enough to treat your chronic pain, try increasing the next time. If the dose is too high and leads to discomfort, eat less next time.
If you are reading this and have never cooked with cannabis, take things slow. Especially if you do not regularly smoke cannabis. Start off with a small 5mg dose or less. You might not feel anything. As you experiment, starting low will help you control how you feel without enduring the negative side effects of overconsumption.
If you are concerned about overdosing, rest easy. To date, there are absolutely no reports of overdose deaths associated with cannabis use. There are many intense, uncomfortable experiences when people dabble too much, of course. What we can confirm is that there is no known risk of dying. As you experiment with finding your own perfect dose, take your time, and enjoy the ride.
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One Response
When talk butter do you mean regular butter?