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How To Make CBD Patches For Pain

Learn how to make your own CBD patches for pain.
How to make CBD patches

An easy, no-fuss, do-it-yourself recipe for CBD patches

Looking to treat pain and inflammation with CBD? There are many ways in which you can consume CBD to deliver pain relief. From smoking or vaping, to edibles and ointments, as well as everything in between.

Are you considering transdermal CBD patches? 

CBD transdermal patches offer a great way to dose CBD topically. These patches deliver cannabis extract in a longer moderate dose. In fact, transdermal patches provide a discreet method to deliver CBD into the body. Excitingly, this method carries a longer duration time than smoking, vaping, or eating weed edibles. They work just like nicotine or birth control patches to release a consistent dose throughout the day.

Transdermal patches differ from CBD ointments, creams and lotions. This is because they deliver cannabinoids directly to the bloodstream instead of treating a specific area. Interestingly, CBD patches are highly bioavailable. This enables the body to absorb the cannabinoids from your pain patch very quickly. This might be an ideal option for someone who is experiencing chronic pain.

How Do Transdermal Patches Work?

DIY cannabis pain patch

Your skin comes with its own natural defence system that keeps harmful elements from the environment at bay. This includes free radicals like toxins and microbes. A transdermal patch gets the green like from your skin army by way of CBD-infused organic gel. The CBD gel contains solvents like alcohol which works as carrier to facilitate the movement of cannabinoids into your body. 

When a CBD patch is stuck to skin, its contents begins to absorb into the bloodstream. How fast this happens depends on where you attach the patch on your body. In order to ensure a quick rate of absorption, place the CBD patch over a venous portion of the body — like the inside of your elbow or wrist. 

However, if you are taking other medications, you may want to find out how they interact with CBD. Transdermal delivery bypasses the lungs and stomach, sending CBD right into your bloodstream. It is worth to note that, CBD patches won’t get you high — but you may experience dry mouth as a side effect.

Benefits and Drawbacks of DIY CBD Patches

There are many benefits to using CBD patches. We’re talking in addition to their discreet quality and quick, long acting CBD dosing abilities. Transdermal patches offer an affordable option for whole-body pain relief potential with minimal adverse effects.

Consider that smoking or vaping cannabis just isn’t an option for many people with respiratory ailments. COPD, asthma, or other respiratory issues can be exacerbated by standard methods of dosing. CBD patches are an exciting option that are not known to cause respiratory distress.

In addition, applying CBD topically with patches may provide individuals suffering from chronic pain or anxiety to fast and simple dosing method. This is, of course, without the negative effects of smoking or vaping or an unpleasant scent. Transdermal patches may offer all-night or all-day relief, with your own body heat activating its delivery. 

Many commercial transdermal CBD patches on the market advertise an exact, metered dosage. When making your own CBD patches, accuracy may be more difficult. You may want to experiment and see how much, or how little CBD you require for an effective dose. For the purpose of making your own patch, you’ll want to find a high-CBD strain with very little THC. This way, you can maximize your pain relief with as many terpenes and trichomes as possible.

Some of the benefits of CBD patches include:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Pain reliever
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Anti-oxidant
  • Anti-anxiety
  • Sleep aid
  • Neurocontroller

How to Make Your Own CBD Patches

There are a few different methods out there for making CBD patches. This process can be really complex or incredibly simple. It all depends on whether or not you choose to make your own gel. As opposed to making your own CBD lotion, salve or oil, concocting a gel for a transdermal patch is a little bit different. More specifically, these patches require a solvent like alcohol. This is crucial as your solvent will deliver cannabinoids through the barrier of your skin into your bloodstream.

For the purpose of keeping things simple, our recipe utilizes a pre-made CBD gel. Thanks to the increasing popularity of CBD topicals, CBD-infused gels are easy to come by. They also make the process of putting together your own transdermal patches a whole lot easier. Plus, you can more accurately measure your dose. We recommend finding a gel that contains at least 150mg CBD.

As for the patch itself, you can simply use a waterproof bandaid or a strip of gauze affixed with medical tape. Just consider how long you’ll be wearing your patch and where you’ll be putting it. Be sure to choose a placement that best suits your needs and lifestyle.

How to make CBD patches
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Transdermal Patch CBD Recipe

Learn to create your own transdermal CBD patch at home. CBD transdermal patches are a simple way to dose CBD daily.
Prep Time1 hour
Servings: 0
Author: Sarah Pettigrew


  • Waterproof bandaids or gauze
  • Dropper
  • Saucepan
  • Heat-proof bowl


  • 1 ounce CBD-infused gel


  • Fill your saucepan with about an inch of water and bring to a boil.
  • Spoon CBD gel into a heat-proof bowl and place it in mouth of the saucepan.
  • Lower the heat on the burner and stir the gel until it is warm.
  • Take the dropper and pull in the desired amount of gel. Drizzle it onto the underside of a waterproof bandaid.
  • Allow the patch to cool and dry.
  • Place the patch over a venous area of the body, relax and enjoy!

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