How To Make Cannabis Tea: DIY Recipes Cannabis is becoming quite the coping companion for many during isolation and lockdown. Today we’re going to show you How To Make Cannabis Tea: DIY Recipes.
A hot cup of tea is good for the soul, as they say – and a cup of cannabis tea? Well it’s just soulful.
If you’ve always been a smoker, and you’re getting exhausted from edibles, time for tea!
Give those lungs a break, and put on a ‘pot’ of tea.
You can also add in some fantastic weed-infusions to sweeten up your cup like cannabis-infused honey or some great tasting weed stevia.
If you are a loyal sugar connoisseur, you can whip up some cannabis sugar that definitely won’t disappoint.
We have a step-by-step guide so that it’s as simple as possible when it comes to decarboxylation.
Unfortunately, you can’t just drop some weed in a tea bag or strainer and call it a tea.
How To Decarb Your Weed
Ingredients for Weed Tea 1 gram of decarbed cannabis 1 tbsp of coconut oil Teabag or tea strainer Kettle or large pot for the stove All of your fav ingredients like honey, sugar, milk, cream Weed Tea Recipe #1 It seems to work best when cannabis has something to ‘cling on to’ and that’s why we’ve added in a bit of coconut oil.
Check out the recipe below and see if it suits you!
Soothing and Satisfying – nothing beats a hot cup of tea!
Prep Time: 10 minutes minutes
Course: Drinks
Keyword: cannabis tea
Servings: 1 person
Author: Steph Van De Ven
Cost: 10+
Pot for the stove
Tea bags
Teapot and cups
4 cups water 1 gram cannabis 1 tbsp coconut oil 1 tsp sugar or honey depends on your liking
Boil water on the stove
When it comes to a rolling boil, add in your weed. ( all of it)
Turn the temperature down to a simmer, and let this steep for 15 minutes. Don't burn it, or you may lose the wonderful terpenes you're after.
After about 15 minutes of low and slow steeping, strain the weed from the tea mixture.
Keep the weed, and either put it in an empty teabag, or a tea-strainer that can handle fine pieces of loose leaves.
Place your hot water in a teapot, along with your bag of weed-tea (or the loose leaf tea strainer) and steep for a fewminutes
Gently pour into your cup, add your desired flavorings, and enjoy!
Weed Tea Recipe #2
An easy way to make weed tea with cannabis oil powder and dry tea herbs.
Prep Time: 5 minutes minutes
Keyword: cannabis tea, Tea, weed tea
Servings: 8 Tea bags
Calories: 35 kcal
THC: 15mg per bag
Author: Steph Van De Ven
In an empty tea bag, fill 1 tsp of cannabis oil powder and 1 tsp of dry tea herbs.
Infuse the tea bag in hot water and the THC will dissolve into the hot water.
The cannabis powder will only dissolve when in contact with liquid.
Serving: 8 Bags | Calories: 35 kcal | Carbohydrates: 1 g | Fat: 4 g | Saturated Fat: 1 g | Sodium: 1 mg
Weed Tea Recipe #3 If all else fails above, and you don’t have the time but are craving a cannabis cup of tea, we suggest the following:
Brew a pot of your favorite regular tea Add in Cannabis sugar, or homemade cannabis and vanilla honey You’ll still enjoy the effect of Cannabis, but possibly not as strong as you would with our other tea recipes.
If you’re looking to up-level your canna-cooking game, you may want to start here.
For more recipes like this one, check out our recipe index here.
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As always, happy canna-cooking!