Have you ever felt like you just consumed a little too much and you’re wondering How To Calm Down From Being High?
Maybe you’ve googled it for yourself or a friend/family member?
Whatever the case, at some point, everyone indulges just a little too much and today’s article will help you find some solutions that may just work!
If you’ve consumed cannabis before, you’ve been there and done that – but it doesn’t mean it won’t happen again.
But, if you’re a beginner with edibles, this may be something that is frightening for you.
Getting too high simply happens when you’ve consumed far too much than what your body can take or tolerate.
Symptoms may include anxiety, paranoia, heart rate increase and a lot more – everyone is different.
If you’re reading this now and you’re super high, don’t worry – you will be okay.
If you’ve taken more than you should, CBD may help balance out our buzz.
Cannabis has a ton of cannabinoids and the two most well-known ones are THC and CBD.
THC provides the high, and while CBD may help provide balance and does not get you high at all.
Science suggests that CBD may counteract the effects of THC.
For this reason, it is a good idea to keep your favourite CBD Oil or Gummy product close by whenever you use THC.
Yes, really!
If you’re out of CBD another option is to chew on black peppercorns if you’re feeling too high.
It won’t taste the best, but peppercorns are loaded with a specific terpene called alpha-pinene.
Terpenes are found in a variety of plants, herbs, fruits and veggies and have unique effects when consumed.
This particular alpha-pinene is known for increasing alertness and counteracting the negative effects of THC.
All you need is two or three, chew and swallow. Even if you find the taste a little strong, peppercorns, many people report this can definitely help reduce nervousness.
It’s so much easier said than done, but here are a few ways to try to relax:
Navigating the world of Cannabis for your health and wellness can be challenging and exciting too!
Start here to learn more about CBD oil benefits.
Create your own at-home recipes using CBD infusions here.
Learning more about CBG oil benefits might also be a great start.
As always, wishing you the best in weed-wellness!
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