What do we want? Cake! When do you want it? Now! Today we’re making Easy Blueberry Yum Yum Cake.
Easy is an understatement with this recipe. It doesn’t require a lot of measuring, tools, or fancy equipment.
You’ll need blueberries (fresh is best) and some simple ingredients to make this recipe complete.
Grab a pint of fresh blueberries and the following:
That’s it!
Easy and we’ll show you how!
Follow our step-by-step instructions in case you don’t have any cannabutter in your freezer or kitchen.
Remember, Cannadish Chef Says: “Heat It To Eat It!” Always make sure you decarb your weed first, before making any weed edibles.
If you’re looking to up-level your canna-cooking or baking game, or you want more of a canna-challenge, you may want to start here.
For more recipes like this one, check out our recipe index here.
And if you love how-to-videos, our YouTube channel has everything you need.
Share our post and comment below! We’d love to hear from you.
As always, happy canna-cooking and enjoy baking to get baked!
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