This is the easiest tastiest recipe ever! Today we’re baking with bud to create: Chocolate Chip Cookie Oat Cake With Cannabis.
Yes! It reads like a mouthful, but you won’t care when you’re mouth is FULL!
If you just want to grab a quick, warm and tasty edible treat – this is it.
This is meant for just one person, so if you want to treat your ‘buds’ – just double, triple, or quadruple the required ingredients.
Whipping up a large batch of cannabutter at the beginning of the week is probably your best bet when preparing your weed edibles!
This way, you always have something ready to go when you’re in the mood.
I suggest making your bud butter, then freezing it into ice cube trays, and covering it up, leaving it in the freezer for any time you need weed.
This recipe is best paired with a big fat glass of Cannabis Milk!
If you’re looking to up-level your canna-cooking or baking game, or you want more of a canna-challenge, you may want to start here.
For more recipes like this one, check out our recipe index here.
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As always, happy canna-cooking!
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