Thankfully, CBD Oil and our step-by-step pampering tips are here to rescue your razor rash and beautify your bikini line.
For those of us who visit professionals for regular landscaping ‘down there’, this has caused a huge, hairy inconvenience!
Now we are faced with ingrown hair, shaving bumps, red-bumps, red-marks, uneven skin, bumpy skin, rashes, razor-burn, and a shower full of neverending razors. It’s just not cool!
We know that there are so many more important services that are absolutely essential, but when we want to jump into the pool while we’re self-isolating or show off something scandalous to our significant other?
BUT.. we do have some great news! The team at Canandish found a DIY solution that will smooth out your scruffy bikini lines and bring some much-needed relief to those down-there-areas once and for all!
So while you’re waiting for your favorite salon or spa to open back up, try these suggestions on for size!
We have a great CBD oil scrub. Before you start shaving or using hair-removal creams, gently exfoliate the bikini line area.
This helps to remove bacteria, build-up, and dead/old-skin.
Read how to make it here.
Enjoy a gorgeous hot-towel-steam. Grab a soft hand-towel and get it as hot as you can stand it. While laying down or sitting on the edge of the tub, place this hot cloth on your private area and your freshly scrubbed bikini line.
Let it work its magic by removing any toxins, softening the hair follicle, and allowing the pores to open up and breathe.
Once it has cooled, remove the towel, pat the area dry (no rubbing), and move on to the next step!
Shave your bikini line area or use your favourite hair removal cream.
Once your hair-removal is complete, you’ll move on to this next pampering step: Masking! An essential part of proper skin care – and yes, even for “down there”!
Create our beautiful DIY Face Mask – which works just as great in those delicate regions down under. Click here for the full recipe.
Once you’ve completed step #4 and gently washed off the mask with your towel, the last step is to apply a small amount of straight-up CBD oil.
Just a few drops on your bikini area will soothe the skin, and seal in moisture. Make sure you massage it in circular motions using your ring finger ( the gentlest of your fingers) so you don’t cause any irritation.
If you have sensitive skin, just wait a little while before applying the CBD oil – some areas of our bodies are way more delicate than others, and that includes the bikini line.
If you’re using a hair-removal cream, wait a few minutes and do something else (pluck, watch Netflix, go on Tik Tok) then apply a small amount at first as a test. If it feels great like we know it will you can continue to massage it in.
Let us know how it worked for you and if you noticed a positive difference as we did!
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