Many Equestrians have! Majestic, powerful and elegant – horses have the ability to intuitively hear their herd-mates and humans without so much as a sound. They have been used for hundreds of years for work, pleasure, and healing. Even more than ever, an emerging equine trend that horse-owners everywhere have been trying? CBD Oil for horses!
Calming and liberating, the feeling you have when you ride a horse is bar-none – that is, when you have a broke-horse who you work well with.
Being broke simply means that the horse is comfortable with the bridle, bit, and the saddle, and he/she understands leg and rein cues while being attuned to the rider.
Much like any other animal, horses get sick, have anxiety and digestive upset too. The challenge is you can’t always tell, and the bigger challenge is that because of their size and stature, the dosage for anything they ingest is high which means, as a horse owner? The bill will be high too.
Horses have long suffered from pain, inflammation (especially in their legs), and chronic stress. You’ve probably also guessed that horses are troubled by sore joints and muscles too. If a horse comes from bad conditions (meaning an abusive owner, neglect, etc) you’ll notice a lot of behavioral issues and habits like kicking, nervousness, and sadly; being scared of humans.
Even if you don’t know much about horses, you can agree with us that their mane and coat (when healthy) shines and glistens. A horses mane is strong and healthy – but when this isn’t the case, it could be a sign of internal issues that should be examined by the Vet – but maybe, just maybe, CBD oil can help. It remains to be something many are curious about, but not enough evidence can adequately support it.
According to Canadian Company: Rivas Remedies, Horses CAN ingest CBD safely! There hasn’t been enough medical research conducted by The Canadian Veterinary Medical Association, or the American Veterinary Medical Association – however countless Equine-Health Practitioners across North America have been using CBD oil to help their horses with positive results that are long-lasting.
Great news for Equine-lovers world-wide!
There are many individual studies being researched by credible professionals, and one of them has been studied and led by Dr. Kimberley Guay at the Equine Center at Tarleton State University, part of the Texas A&M University network.
Guay’s study seeks to quantify how CBD affects inflammation, stress, and stereotypical negative behaviors in horses. (temperament, anxiety,etc)
While we wish we could tell you to go ahead and let your horse enjoy all of the benefits that CBD oil offers, we do need to caution you to check in with your professional and certified Veterinarian, or a practicing Equine Health Professional.
If you’re curious about making your own CBD Oil shampoo to pamper your horse or pony’s mane and tail? Click here. As always, we always suggest you proceed with caution when it comes to animals, and check with your licensed and professional Veterinarian first.
Have you tried CBD oil for your horse? Let us know in the comments below!
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