I have discovered by necessity and need, that CBD Helps Increase Comfort During Waxing & Sugaring!
Ladies and gentlemen (well, mostly ladies.. but some gentlemen), I need to share you with how absolutely fantastic CBD Oil is for waxing and sugaring ‘down there’.
Just this week I was finally able to get in a sugaring appointment.
While things are not back to normal, but as normal as we can get them to be – I had completely neglected my care down there.
First of all, I write about this stuff every day and do tons of research too.
Having said that, there are plenty of studies and research articles out there being done to prove that CBD Oil rocks for skincare and issues like eczema, psoriasis, and acne too.
CBD is a known anti-inflammatory, which is what makes this cannabinoid so intriguing for the skin care industry.
Hard-to-treat skin disorders are commonly caused by inflammation, and CBD skin care may have the ability to target and alleviate these conditions.
CBD also has an innate ability to penetrate the skin, due to its high-lipophilicity.
In English, what that means is CBD can easily dissolve in fats and oils, which act as carriers that escort the cannabinoid past the skin’s protective barrier.
So this past week I finally had my sugaring appointment.
If you haven’t had the ‘pleasure’ of getting sugared, it’s actually less painful in my opinion than waxing.
Is the end result worth it? Yes, absolutely. But the process? It used to hurt until CBD.
I have nothing but knowledge at my fingertips, so here is what I did to prepare my delicate down there skin BEFORE my sugaring appointment: I had a hot bath with an all-natural oatmeal bubble bath I love using.
I gently patted my ‘area’ and as my sugaring specialist instructed, I made for certain that my hair was the length of a piece of rice.
Once almost dry, but still slightly damp, I used a combo of my own homemade coconut oil and CBD oil serum and gently massage it all over. ALL over.
Then, I found my softest and comfy undies, combined with my yoga pants ( soft is best for this beauty torture!), and had about an hour to kill before my appointment.
Sugaring and Waxing are two different balls of … wax? Sugaring uses an ancient formula (probably Cleopatra) that consists of honey, lemon and sugar.
Sounds sweet, but doesn’t feel so sweet!
Sugaring removes hair from from the root, in a natural way without puncturing or ripping your skin off.
Wax is mostly made from beeswax, but tends to rip skin and hurts more.
You’re probably wondering how my sugaring appointment went, and I couldn’t believe it!
I had both hands wrapped tight around the treatment bed, ready for whatever pain was going to be inflicted on me and once my technician started?
It barely hurt at all!
Using CBD Oil and Coconut Oil on my bikini area reduced the pain significantly, and made the hair softer so removal was easy-peasy!
Once finished, I had brought a little container of my cbd oil and coconut concoction and gently massage it into my bikini line, and everywhere else I could think of where hair used to grow.
I had zero redness ( which I normally do). I had zero hair left ( which I sometimes do because I have thick hair) and you’ll never guess what?
When I put on my yoga pants, which normally doesn’t even cut the rubbing or pain – I felt NOTHING! It felt nice, smooth and super calm.
It’s easy gals. So easy! And I love using CBD oil with Peppermint because it’s oh-so-soothing.
Not everyone does though, so just keep this in mind!
Happy Hair-Removing !!
For even more CBD beauty, check out these fabulous articles and products.
For skin creams and scrubs and more DIY you can check out these blogs.
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