There are a lot of ways to remove unwanted hair. Today we’re exploring CBD For Hair Removal: How It Helps.
Sure, you can shave it, wax it, bleach, Veet, Nair or laser the heck out of it.
And if you’re up for an old-school option, you could just tweeze. (ouch!)
With all these choices available, how you choose to remove your hair is really a personal decision – but what isn’t a personal decision?
Those pesky bumps or ingrown hairs that seemingly always pop up no matter what.
Another constant annoyance can be redness or irritation in the area you are working on.
For example, some people opt for waxing or sugaring to remove unwanted hair, but whether you wax or sugar? It still leaves the skin a little sore and inflamed.
That’s why, before you get your next waxing or sugaring, try using CBD!
Even as an after-shave soother – CBD has tons of helpful benefits.
As a skin-beautifier or for better sleep, whichever it is – we think you’ll love adding it into your wellness routine. (if you don’t already)
If you’re ready to try something new and would like to start using CBD For Hair Removal: How It Helps, then read on!
CBD is short for cannabidiol. It’s one of the compounds extracted from the cannabis plant.
The two main compounds are CBD (which does not get you stoned) and THC, which does. ( when ingested into the body)
So, Can It Get Me High?
No. Nope. No way! CBD will not get you high. This is why it’s so popular now. It has all of the wellness properties you want, without the high.
This is so interesting! Our bodies make our very own cannabis-type chemical called: anandamide.
(Ananda, in Sanskrit, means bliss & happiness — just as a side note.)
And funny enough, this chemical we produce and make is otherwise known as the “bliss molecule”. ( kind of like yoga high, or runners high).
CBD naturally elevates the levels of your own endocannabinoid and increases anandamide in your body and brain.
Basically? CBD = BLISS!
This study and report concluded that not only is CBD great for skin irritations, but may help in localized pain and issues due to inflammation.
Do you suffer from dry skin like me or atopic dermatitis? According to the National Centre for Biotechnology Information, CBD may help in treating such skin issues and challenges too!
The proof is literally in the proverbial pudding.
Another study revealed that the CBD found in cannabis is a more potent antioxidant than vitamin C or E.
CBD may help with inflammation and may act as a pain reliever which is why it’s so helpful in reducing razor burn.
Just use a small amount on your hands after shaving, and gently rub it into the shaved area.
It’s important to note that if you use perfumed shaving cream, gel, or any kind of after-shave – it may react with CBD so best to use all-natural soaps so that you can really give CBD a chance!
You can bring CBD oil with you to your appointment, and ask the Aesthetician to use it when she’s finished waxing.
Most hair-removal places will offer you a smorgasbord of in-house creams and lotions – but it’s your body – so bring along your own CBD oil and see how it works!
In the meantime, here’s a great CBD sugar scrub recipe to help you buff out any bumps and soothe your skin naturally!
If you’re looking to learn more about enhancing your beauty, health and wellness routine, you may want to start here.
For more DIY skin care recipes and tips, check out our latest articles.
Interested in using cannabis as a wellness alternative? Click here.
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