Are events of late getting you down? Is the news overwhelming? You can kick all of that stress, fear, and worry right in the keister with some scented CBD bath bombs.
So, flip on your favorite playlist of relaxing music, light a few candles, pour a nice glass of wine, and get ready for a little you-time. Not only is it important to keep your body healthy during times of crisis, it’s also crucial to keep an eye on your mental health. CBD bath bombs and CBD bath salts can be relaxing for your body, and a hot bath is also soothing for your mind.
How to Use CBD Bath Bombs
If you’re thinking of using CBD or THC bath bombs to get high, it probably isn’t going to work. Why? Because the THC and CBD floating around in your tub can’t actually get into your bloodstream. But, that doesn’t mean a CBD or THC bath bomb isn’t going to do anything for you. Cannabis bath bombs may actually relieve aching muscles and soothe irritated skin.
How? Well, science is still catching up on this subject, but, so far, researchers have discovered that cannabinoids can interact with receptors in your skin. In doing so, they can reduce inflammation in your skin, and with the help of a good carrier oil, they can potentially help relieve muscle soreness. Along with a few aromatic essential oils, CBD bath bombs can also help destress your mind in times of trouble.
You might have already seen come CBD bath salts and bombs for sale at your local dispensary. But, you can actually make your own at home. It’s cheaper, and you don’t have to run to the dispensary to get it.
How to Make a Cannabis Topical
The first step to making CBD bath bombs and bath salts is to concoct a cannabis topical. This is a very simple process by which you make either cannabis oil or cannabis tincture — it’s up to you.
Cannabis oil might be the simplest of the two to make. Just get your hands on some THC or CBD flower, depending on what kind of bath bombs you plan to use. Once you’ve decarboxylated your bud, you’ll be infusing it into a fatty oil. If you’re using your cannabis oil purely for making bath salts or bombs, coconut or hemp seed oil are both excellent choices. On their own, coconut and hemp seed oil are great for your skin, and typically non-irritating.
Don’t know how to make cannabis oil or tincture? Not to worry, we’ve got you covered. This is an easy recipe to follow that will get you well on your way.
Not interested in using cannabis oil for your bath bombs? No problem. Instead, try making CBD tincture. Just be aware, the process is a little more involved than making cannabis oil, and uses a solvent — like Everclear.
Why put in the time, you might ask? CBD tincture can actually be more potent than cannabis oil, increasing the overall strength of your CBD bath bombs or bath salts. So depending on what your needs are, and the amount of time on your hands, a CBD tincture could be just the thing you want.
Here’s our recipe:
Cannabis tincture
A simple and quick way to make cannabis tincture at home without the need of infusing for months.
Crush the plant material using a stick of clean, untreated wood or any other similar device.
Continue to crush the cannabis, while adding 1 cup everclear until the plant material is completely covered and soaked. Stir the mixture for about three minutes. As you stir the mixture, the cannabinoids will begin dissolving off the plant into the solvent.
Strain the solvent mixture into another bucket. At this point, you have stripped the material of about 80% of its THC.
Repeat this process for the second wash. Again add 1 cup everclear to the plant material and work for another three minutes to extract the remaining THC.
Strain this new solvent mix into the bucket containing the first mix that was previously separated.
Discard the twice washed plant material.
Pour the solvent mixture through a coffee filter into a clean container.
Boil the solvent off in a safe environment. A rice cooker will boil the solvent off nicely. CAUTION: the solvent is flammable and the vapors toxic. Avoid stove-tops, red-hot elements, sparks, cigarettes, and open flames as the fumes can be extremely dangerous.
Add solvent to rice cooker and turn on heat. Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area and set up a fan to carry the solvent fumes away. If you can complete this step outside.
Continue to add mixture to cooker as the solvent evaporates until you have added it all to the cooker.
Continue to reduce the liquid until you have roughly 1 cup liquid left.
Place in a container or jar and let stand for at least 24 hours.
Once you have some cannabis oil or cannabis tincture on hand, you’re ready to make some bath bombs! This do-it-yourself recipe works for either CBD, THC, or a mixture of both. Your choice.
If you’re looking to make your CBD for relaxing as much as possible, try adding essential oils to your CBD bath bomb recipe. Essential oils like lavender, marjoram and eucalyptus are all great options for relieving stress and muscle soreness at the same time. If you’re feeling a bit down, a citrus essential oil like orange or lemon can provide a quick pick-me-up.
1teaspoonwater Food colouring of your choice Your choice of essentials oils 30-40 drops
Place the dry ingredients in a large bowl and mix together with a whisk.
In a small bowl, mix the liquid ingredients together until well blended.
In the large bowl, very slowly add the liquid mixture to the dry ingredients at little bit at a time. Mixture should hold together when squeezed without crumbling.
When well mixed, pack the mixture into your bath bomb mold and pack tightly, then let it dry. Make sure you work quickly so the mixture doesn’t dry out in the process.
Bath Bombs need a day to several to fully harden. If they’re not quite hardened enough, they may crumble when you handle them, so check to make sure before taking them completely out of the mold
For muscle soreness, you may find that something with some epsom salt might suit you better. In fact, a bath with epsom salt is a great way to relieve sore muscles. Throw in some CBD and you’ve got a rejuvenating bath that will do wonders for aching joints and muscles. Need a CBD bath salt recipe? We’ve got one right here:
Stir the salts and baking soda together in a large mixing bowl.
Next, add the cannabis tincture, fragrance and coloring. Use a spoon to incorporate the liquids into the salts, breaking up any clumps to ensure that the color is evenly distributed.
Bottle your bath salts and enjoy.
You could also make cannabis soap and other wellness DIY’s and create a nice cannabis gift basket!