This blog is for anyone who has suffered long enough with frizzy hair!
As a woman with thick, unruly, and frizzy hair I am here to shed some much-needed light on this tender-topic.
I’ve come prepared with a serum-solution that actually works. YAHOO! Our Peppermint CBD Oil also works great as a refreshing cooling agent, and Cannadish has fantastic-frizz-busting CBD Shampoo and Conditioner that you will love!
Since I was a young girl, I have had this tiny little body and a lion’s mane of hair that despite the cut or style, was just.plain.crazy!
No matter what we did – including thinning my hair – absolutely nothing worked except a ponytail to get my hair out of my face.
I honestly felt hopeless for much of my hair life until I discovered just recently, the magical benefits of CBD oil for not just internal consumption benefits ( I take CBD oil daily) but externally too.
Here’s a little background on my hair- DNA.
I’m adopted, and I’ve always wondered where my thick, frizzy hair came from. My parents are Dutch and have soft easy-to-manage hair. I never did.
I just recently ordered a DNA kit where I discovered that I am 97 % European and largely Spanish and Portuguese!
The men and women in Spain have the most glorious, thick, and lustrous hair, don’t they?!
I wonder if that’s where I got my crazy hair from? Maybe I’m in the wrong country? ( Canada!)
None the less, I do know that Spanish people, along with many Mediterranean’s consume a healthy diet of natural oils including fish and olives/olive oils.
They’re definitely in the sun and humidity a lot, and their hair (as well as skin) is so fantastic! Maybe they’ve all been using my CBD hair- serum-secret?!
Depending on the length of your locks, you’ll want to use just a small amount. As the saying goes: A little goes a long way.
I’ve got two different sets of instructions below for two different kinds of frizzy-haired people with CBD Oil solutions that will last!
Here’s my DIY Hair-Frizz-Serum with CBD oil. For very long, thick, and frizzy hair read my first recipe and how-to below.
CBD Shampoo and Conditioner are also wonder-workers if you don’t have time to use oil on a regular.
If you’ve got medium to short-hair, another recipe and how-to follows.
I haven’t tried using this as a CBD curling-conditioner, (my hair is wavy-curly too) but I’d love to hear from you if you have waves or curls and how this worked!
Try this and you may have just found the best-kept-anti-frizz secret out there.
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