What’s the difference between CBD and Hemp Oil? When you’re looking to get CBD based products and edibles, it can be confusing, and the terminology can be tricky! Hempseed oil sneaks it’s way into things, and perhaps you feel like you have no clue what’s inside your products?!
Let’s talk about the difference between the two, after all – knowledge is power.
Nope! Not the same at all. Surprised? Maybe you already knew this. But the labels on products may say otherwise and that’s the confusing part for many when shopping for Cannabis products.
CBD oil uses the stalks, leaves, and flowers of the hemp plant – which is the only part where cannabidiol is found. These contain a higher concentration of CBD, which is a compound with many wellness benefits!
Meanwhile, hemp seed oil comes from the seeds of the Cannabis plant, and there is little to NO CBD oil here. That makes things pretty clear right!?
You may have seen small bottles, creams, and products with Hempseed oil when you’re online shopping. Hemp seed oil does not contain any CBD. Something to definitely watch out for when shopping online for quality products!
The best way to determine if a product has CBD oil or hemp oil is to look at the ingredients listed on the packaging.
For Hemp-based products (if that’s what you’re after), know that if the package doesn’t clearly say “hemp oil” or “hemp seed oil,”.
Here’s where it gets a tricky; hemp products may also say “cannabis seed oil” or “cannabis Sativa seed oil,” – these are just the scientific names for Hempseed Oil, but they are not CBD. (at all!)
To look for purely and strictly CBD products, you must find ingredients like “cannabidiol” or “CBD.”
CBD oil is derived from both hemp and marijuana plants. Hemp and marijuana are cannabis plants – they are just different varieties. Re-read that again if you need to: they are just different varieties and they do different things for our health and wellness.
For thousands of years, hemp plants have been used for their fiber, seeds, oil, leaves, and flowers to make paper, textiles, building materials, food, and dietary supplements.
CBD Oil is the Queen of wellness. Said to help alleviate anxiety, depression, acne, chronic pain, inflammation and so much more – this little oil packs a punch of benefits with every single drop.
There are three main types of CBD products, listed below for your reading pleasure!
Isolate contains only CBD, with no other cannabinoids. Just think of isolation/solitary oil.
Full-spectrum contains all cannabinoids naturally found in the cannabis plant, including THC. ( THC gives you the “high” feeling)
Broad-spectrum CBD oil contains multiple cannabinoids naturally found in the cannabis plant but doesn’t contain any THC, so there is no “high” at all but loads of wellness benefits!
We hope this article has Canna-cleared things up for you! We recommend using CBD Oil or CBD Capsules daily for maximum wellness benefits.
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