Today we are exploring: Cannabis To Feel Better, and More Relaxed.
Stress and anxiety are horrible monsters that can affect our every day lives.
Cannabis can be smoked, taken as a liquid, vaped or eaten which means it can be used by most people who wish to relieve their symptoms or feel better.
But which strains of marijuana are best for which ailments?
When it comes to choosing the right cannabis product to relieve your symptoms it can be difficult to know which products or strains are the best for you.
If you are looking for a more peaceful vibe or relaxing sensation, then Indica strains would likely be better than Sativa, whereas Sativa would make you feel more energized.
THC is another important aspect of each strain that can lead to different effects when consumed.
When it comes to choosing the best cannabis strains for insomnia, look for a strain that will allow you to feel relaxed and unwind after a long day.
It may be best to choose an Indica-dominant hybrid strain if you find it difficult to fall asleep or stay asleep.
Some Examples of Indica-dominant strains are:
If you are struggling with anxiety, it can feel better to find the right cannabis strain that will help eliminate symptoms or at least give you a little more peace of mind.
Strains that have a higher level of CBD in them are often known to help calm those who suffer from anxiety and help them to relax.
Some examples of strains with higher amounts of CBD include:
One of the most popular strains for anxiety is Blue Dream which has high levels of THC and CBD, and induces a euphoric feeling – perfect for combating any anxious vibes.
Some of the best strains for relaxation are:
The beauty of knowing which strains are best suited to help whatever ailments you need support with – is that once you find one you love, THAT’S the weed you’ll be decarbing for edibles.
Pick your poison, so to speak, and once it’s decarbed, you can use it to make so many delicious weed treats!
Here’s a simple and fun recipe to use at bedtime or in the evenings to relax and unwind.
If you’re looking to up-level your canna-cooking or baking game, or you want more of a canna-challenge, you may want to start here.
For more recipes like this one, check out our recipe index here.
And if you love how-to-videos, our YouTube channel has everything you need.
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As always, happy canna-cooking!
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