Cannabis infused beef jerky is the perfect grab and go snack. Our jerky is infused with cannabis in a simple and unique method. This savory weed snack is perfect for the carnivores and meat lovers of the world.
It is simple. We use cannabis infused honey to flavor this tasty weed treat. Firstly, this recipes requires you to decarboxylate your weed. This is to activate your cannabis bud. Break up 1/4 of an ounce of bud over a tin foil lined cooking sheet. Cover the bud and sheet with tin foil making a tent. Place in the oven at 115c/225f for 20-40 minutes. When your weed turns golden, brown it is ready to go.
After this weed cools, wrap it in cheesecloth and place in a large, strong mason jar. Add 1 1/8 cups of honey to this mason jar. Seal and put this jar in a large pot of cool water. Bring this water to a boil for 3-4 hours.
This is your cannabis infused honey!
Excitingly, your cannabis jerky can last up to two weeks! Store your beef jerky in a sealed, air tight container. It is best kept in a cool place out of heat or sunlight. Never leave your jerky out in the open, unless you intend on consuming it right away. This will ensure food safety and so that the wrong person doesn’t get their hands on it. We highly recommend clearly labelling any weed edibles.
How long does it take to make cannabis infused beef jerky?
This recipe will take approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to make. This is, of course, if your cannabis infused honey is ready. Otherwise, you will need to account for the creation of this infusion.
The cooking process of this cannabis infused beef jerky is not difficult. The recipe calls for time to cool and time to marinate. In turn, this is more of a lengthy recipe. The final cannabis product is well worth the wait as it has a long shelf life and is super tasty!
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