I know what you’re thinking: “I don’t want to cleanse cannabis out of my system”! Well don’t worry, what I’m suggesting is different. Buckle up buds, and let’s try Cannabis Cleanse Tips For New Years!
A cleanse doesn’t have to mean you’re detoxing cannabis out of your body.
Cleanses are healthy, empowering, and good for you – and cannabis, my friends, IS good for you!
So keep reading, as I share my tips for a fantastic cannabis cleanse that INCLUDES cannabis! Hoorah!
Edibles are the tastiest, easiest and most fun way to experience the bliss of cannabis, am I right?
But – how often have you made cannabis cookies, pot brownies, or similar yummy treats?
Time to cleanse the sweets, and focus on creating healthier eating habits.
Try: using clarified butter in your cannabutter recipes, and go for wholesome, healthy meals like fresh salads with cannabis oil and grass-fed cannabis-infused meat and chicken meals.
Tip: If you can carve out 15-20 minutes weekly and plan your meals, you’ll notice a huge difference in your day and maybe even a little extra time too!
Plus, preparation is key when it comes to making cannabutter anyway – so give it a try.
Exercise is King and with the year the entire world has had, exercise hasn’t been easy at all.
If you’re a stoner who loves to smoke, then why not smoke a strain that energizes you, and motivates you to work out or exercise instead?
Try: a strain like Harlequin. This weed is high in CBD, and provides a weightless sensation with minimal cerebral effects, making it an excellent choice for working out and keeping focus!
Tip: Can you bunker down for 21 days, and find ways to exercise daily using CBD-dominant/high strains to help kepe you active and motivated?
Even if you commit to walking daily for 30 minutes, I bet you’ll notice a positive difference!
Sleep is something many are deprived of, and thankfully I’m not one of those people. I sleep great!
Do you sleep well?
There are some nights where I’m wired and can’t sleep no matter what I do – but for the most part? Sleep is my pal.
Studies have shown that proper sleep can make a world of a difference in your waking hours.
From work to every day social activities – when you don’t get a good sleep, doesn’t it feel like EVERYTHING sucks?
Why not start 2021 out with a plan to really indulge in good, quality sleep?
Try: OG Kush – a wonderfully strong THC strain that has been known to help people suffering from insomnia.
Tip: Create a gorgeous and inviting bedroom. Whether it’s new decor, sheets, blankets, pillows,etc. Having a comfy and happy space to sleep (without technology) can be another added bonus.
Time to throw out all of those rusty, crusty pipes, bongs, and shriveled up rolling papers.
Detoxing your home can be just as satisfying and nourishing for you as detoxing your diet and body.
Removing clutter, cleaning up, getting organized, and finding more space in your home is a mindful and healthy way to cleanse and get ready for 2021.
Try: using the Marie Kondo method: if items do not bring you joy, ditch ’em! Find some great ways and sales on Amazon to organize your cannabis stash, supplies, and accessories properly.
Tip: There are so many ways you can cleanse your home without breaking the bank. Just by removing old items, you’re making space for new ones! It will feel good and you may even sleep better at night.
Anything that’s old and gross? Toss it!
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