It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and with a Cannabis Christmas Chocolate Yule Log it will be even more festive, and wonderful!
Before we show you how to infuse weed into your Christmas yule log, let’s take a step into the past and actually explore how yule logs came to be a tradition.
Yule is the name of the old Winter Solstice festivals in Scandinavia and other parts of northern Europe, like Germany.
The Yule Log was originally a real tree, carefully chosen and brought into the house with great ceremony – now the modern-day Christmas tree.
Now? It’s a decadent cake-roll meant to represent Yule – or a log and we’re combining two of the best ingredients you could put together:
Cannabis and Chocolate!
Yule comes from a name for a 12-day festival, celebrated by Germanic peoples, around the winter solstice, and started in the 900’s!
The word yule comes from geōl, which was created by the Norse and over the years, traditions have been adapted to mimmick the tree or log that was burned in celebration of Solstice.
Baking with Cannabis, when done properly, can be an exhilarating experience in the kitchen – especially when making this edibles dish.
You’ll have to complete a few steps first before baking and making your Yule Log.
You’ll love the sponge cake and ganache filling, and so will all of your guests!
Is to make sure you know how to or have already decarbed your Cannabis.
Don’t know how? No worries. Here’s a fantastic instructional, step-by-step video on how to decarb.
The next step is making your Cannabis Butter – which can literally be used in hundreds of edible dishes.
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