If you’re a woman, you’ve likely experienced the agony of period cramps so today we’re asking the question: Can Cannabis Help With PMS?
With sudden mood swings, headaches, cramps and more – PMS is just not fun and while a glass of wine or a big chocolate bar can sometimes help – often times it’s just not enough.
Cue the Cannabis; the natural painkiller and anti-inflammatory choice of millions around the globe.
As if we didn’t have it bad enough ladies, now we have to contend with PMDD – Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder – which is basically PMS’s bigger, older, bolder,badder and angrier sister.
If you’ve experienced a visit from this monster you’ll likely have felt intense cramping, depression, mood swings, severe irritability and so much more.
It’s a blessing and a curse to be a woman or so they say.
Here come the cramps, and there’s not much you can do besides use a heating pad and some heavy-duty drugs – but why damage your liver if you can choose something more natural and effective?
Research has shown that the main component in THC works as a muscle relaxant helping those of us with chronic PMS or PMDD with relief.
So whether your choose to smoke cannabis, consume weed edibles, or vape – relief is on its way!
Cannabis’s chemical compounds release cannabinoid receptors that work with your brain’s natural endocannabinoids.
It’s no wonder why so many patients use cannabis to help relieve depression, anxiety, stress, and pain – just to name a few.
Medical marijuana has not shown any reverse or cautionary side effects but we always caution our readers and customers to check with your medical professionals prior to taking cannabis.
Everybody is different and each individual reacts differently to the many strains that are available for consumption so do your research, and dose low and slow to start.
Plenty! If you don’t want to smoke pot, you can easily consume edibles and even better? You can DIY them from home.
Check out this easy cookie recipe to try and remember: weed edibles take longer to react in your system so make sure you have enough time before, and after until you feel the effects.
Dose low, and slow and wait.
Navigating the world of Cannabis for your health and wellness can be challenging and exciting too!
Start here to learn more about CBD oil benefits.
Create your own at-home recipes using CBD infusions here.
Learning more about CBG oil benefits might also be a great start.
If you’d like more THC-related edible recipes start here.
As always, wishing you the best in weed-wellness!
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