Whether your preparing for American Thanksgiving or you’re already in the Christmas spirit, we have Best Dill Pickle Cheeseball Recipe With Cannabis for you!
Cheeseballs are making a serious comeback. Seriously!
Not only are they easy to make, they’re easy to plate.
And when you make it by following our recipe below, you’re going to look like a chic and skilled Canna-Chef.
Easy friends, easy! So many recipes that we gather, create and curate for you require you to decarb weed first.
Those that read my blogs and arictles know that this is a non-negotiable step.
You have to do this first, so that you can fully enjoy the benefits and effects of weed. You can’t just sprinkle raw cannabis on your dishes.
That’s a big,fat NO-NO!
It goes without saying that when you’re creating a cheeseball, you’ll need cannabis-infused cream cheese!
But what else do you need?
There are a few sneaky Canna-Chef tips I’m going to share with you so that your dill pickle cheeseball is perfection.
If you’re starting to cook with Cannabis, or you are a seasoned Canna-Chef, check out more recipes here.
For great ideas, pairings and cooking products, check out these products.
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