Today. you’ll learn how to make the BEST Creamy Cannabis-Parm Tomato Soup on the planet!
While the weather in some parts of the country is getting colder, that only means one fantastic thing: delicious homemade soup.
What makes this soup fantastic, apart from using Cannabis, is that if you still have a yield of tomatoes from your garden, there’s nothing like fresh-fruits and veg in a homemade soup.
You can also grab quality tomatoes from your local grocers – just make sure they’re red, luscious and ripe for the best flavor profile possible.
So grab your soup pot, we’re going to make Cannabis soup from scratch!
Cannabutter is by far, the most velvety-smooth and fantastically-awesome tasting butter.
You’ll need to make some ahead of time before you get your Cannadish apron on and start ‘souping’.
We also suggest a proper set of cooking utensils, and we have the best set available here.
Don’t worry – it’s easy to make and it’s very versatile!
Canadian Cannabis Chef Charlotte Langley says: “I’m quite flexible in the strains I use,”
“For personal consumption, I lean more heavily on the CBD strains for relaxation and stress management, but depending on the client I’m working with, the strains change based on their needs.”
“Strains that have fruity and berry-like terpenes—they are a bit easier to work with as the flavor and aroma are already pleasing and come through nicely when extracting,” says Chef Cody Lindsay.
For Soups, however, try checking with your local dispensary for a strain and feel that has the vibe you want to match with your soup.
Feeling like chowing down a bowl and slipping into a couch coma? Maybe some Kush is on your shopping list!
If you want a little get up and go, check out some of the fantastic Sativa strains out there.
Typically, sativa-dominant strains promote an energetic and uplifting mood, while indicas sooth muscles and help sedate the body.
Enjoy Cannachefs!
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