CBD shampoos, conditioners, and serums are here, but do they actually work? And what does CBD do for hair growth?
We know it’s happened before; itchy, irritable dry scalp, right? It’s either something you’ve had to deal with all of your life or maybe it only happens every so often. And then there’s your hair growth. Is it stagnant and refusing to grow even just an inch?
Regardless, it’s never fun and definitely never a sexy look to glance left or right and see flake particles on your shoulders. That’s why CBD is great, especially in your shampoo and conditioner! It helps with hair growth and so much more.
Did you know? CBD is connected to our body’s endocannabinoid system. This system is basically like the boss for a handful of your immune functions and you need it to live! It also positively affects our hair, so read on follicle friends, for more juicy information about CBD and hair growth!
CBD has little chemical compounds that stick or connect to receptors inside our bodies. They’re called the CB1 and CB2 receptors. Just think of it as a healthy reception party for your hair and body!
As soon as CBD is ingested, the chemicals and receptors kiss, and create effects such as the reduction of inflammation on your scalp, improvement of dandruff, relief from eczema, and itchy flaky scalp. Yes, please!
Using a CBD Shampoo or Conditioner daily may dramatically reduce scalp inflammation, dandruff flakes and could create more healthy growth and glow for your mane in just a few washes. Seeing really is believing.
Research has yet to conclude that CBD can enhance hair growth but considering its abundance in fatty acids, there’s potential for CBD to help hair grow and even reduce or eliminate flaky, itchy scalp!
Another thing your hair loves? Fatty acids. You may not know this, but your hair really digs getting coated in oils, especially in CBD because it contributes to lubricating hair follicles and adds elasticity and brightness to your hair. Need we say more?!
Many products want to be marketed under the cannabis umbrella, and you may see a cannabis plant on the label, but this does not necessarily mean it contains CBD – just be careful when purchasing products online. and elsewhere.
We recommend purchasing UDEA CBD Shampoo and Conditioner as a way to support healthy, shiny, and vibrant hair from the roots to tips!
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