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Marijuana Edibles: How To Dose & Ingest Properly

Marijuana Edibles are delicious and creative food items made with the cannabis flower or concentrates.

How to Dose and Ingest Marijuana Edibles Properly.

There’s a worldwide selection of high-quality baked goods, brownie mixes, beverages, cooking oil, and treats.

Marijuana Edibles are taking the world by storm!

Have you tried CBD mints? THC gummies? What about Cannabutter?

Homemade cannabis gummy bears with weed buds

The only disadvantage of eating weed edibles is that they’re absorbed through the digestive system. This simply means that the effects may take hours to kick in and the effects gradually increase so you don’t get that high straight away.

If you’re looking for wellness alternatives without the high, CBD Oil and CBD Gummies are a great addition to your health regime.

Onset and Duration of Edibles

The onset of effects may happen as quickly as 20 minutes or as slowly as 3 hours, and the duration can last between 4 and 6 hours.

While tasty, you’ll have to have a little patience.

What is a Dose?

Knowing how to dose is crucial when it comes to edibles! The potency of an edible is measured differently than cannabis flower or concentrate.

Cannabis infused THC oil for weed edibles

Edible products are measured by the milligrams of cannabinoids contained in the product.

Marijuana edibles will typically have both the milligrams of THC and/or CBD per serving.

So let’s do a little marijuana math.

A chocolate bar may have 50 milligrams of THC. If you want 5 milligrams, divide it into 10 pieces of 5 milligrams each.

Edibles with a Higher Amount of CBD Will Cause Little to No High.

How do I Find the Right Dose

Knowing the dosage of an edible product is important because of the delayed onset time and dosage options.

The recommended dose for beginners is 1 to 5 mg of THC.

Intermediate edible consumers can enjoy 5-20 mgs, and experienced edible consumers can eat 20 mgs or more safely.

cannabis chocolate bar with weed leaf

How do Edibles Work

  1. Edibles enter the body by eating them and are absorbed through the stomach and digestion.
  2. Then, your lovely liver metabolizes them.
  3. The remaining THC circulates through the heart and reaches the brain.

How Long do Edibles Take to Kick In?

THC is metabolized in the liver into a compound called 11-hydroxy-THC. This compound is more potent than THC, and can be very sedating.

It’s this process that causes edibles to have different effects for everyone.

This entire process can take between 45 minutes and and 3 hours.

How are Edibles Made

The ingredients used and the methods used for making edibles affect everything from the product, onset time, and duration of effects.

It really is a science!

Edibles can be made with cannabis distillate — an odorless and flavorless oil — or pure cannabinoid crystals, which are infused into an edible made using a fat such as butter or oil.

What Happens if You Eat Weed? 

You definitely need to decarb your cannabis or in more scientific terms: Decarboxylate.

man decarboxylating cannabis in an oven

Decarboxylation is a process by which THCA, present in the raw form of cannabis, is slightly heated and changed into the intoxicating THC. 

The human body cannot convert THCA to THC, which is why eating raw cannabis won’t have intoxicating effects.

Making Edibles at Home

Cannabis-infused butter and oils can be made from scratch at home using dry flowers and decarbing your weed.

It’s relatively easy to cook with cannabis and make homemade edibles.

Edible Recipes

Try these decadent pot brownies if you’re a beginner, or check out these recipes for more advanced Canna-Chefs.

Lastly, if you want to try your hand at making your own Edible Gummy Bears, check out the tasty recipe below.

Homemade cannabis gummy bears with weed buds
4.67 from 6 votes
Prep Time: 45 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 45 minutes
Cuisine: European
Keyword: Bears, Cannabis, Gummy, making, of, proper, the, Way
Servings: 0
Calories: 200kcal
THC: 175 mg per batch


  • 1 tbsp cannabis tincture
  • 1 cup strawberries or fruit of choice
  • ½ cup water
  • 1 tbsp lemon juice
  • 2 tbsp honey ⅓
  • ounce gelatin(or agar)


  • Blend 1 cup of strawberries with the water till smooth.
  • Strain through a sieve into a pot.
  • On medium heat add the lemon juice and honey and take off the heat.
  • While off the heat but still hot, add your cannabis tincture and gelatin and stir well.
  • Divide the mixture in a gummy bear silicone matt, and freeze for at least an hour till gelatin is set.


at r ease of removal. Store in the refrigerator for a week or more, but be warned if the munchies hit – the little gummies are hard to resist.


Calories: 200kcal | Fat: 20g
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