Maybe you and your partner haven’t tried this because you don’t know how, or you don’t know what to use?
Even if you do, have you tried Cannabis infused oils for massage?
Moisturizing, hydrating, and intoxicating – a couples massage from the privacy of your own home may feel absolutely wonderful and could lead to other fun things… but we’ll leave that up to you! (wink, wink!)
You won’t get high from using Cannabis oil as a massage treatment, because it doesn’t fully absorb into the bloodstream.
Besides connecting with your partner, feeling relaxed and loved, you may noticed that the oil combination we suggest in the recipe below may reduce inflammation and help with dry skin too!
Spending time one-on-one with your partner massaging each other, enjoying the benefits that your skin will receive and adding in a little more (below) will spice up your date night BIG TIME!
Here’s our decadent and sexy chocolate weed brownie recipe. Here’s a suggestion: use whipped cream on top of your brownies- and possibly other places too!
You’ve got the recipes, and now you are almost ready to pick a night where you and your partner will totally chill-out.
Of course, if you want to extend the pleasure why not take a hot bath with your partner using our luxurious CBD Bath Bombs? Get fizzy AND frisky!
We’d love to hear how your cannabis massage night was… or do we? Maybe leave these details private– but you can let us know how you enjoyed our CBD oil and brownies in the comments below!
Enjoy and get zen with our amazing Cannabis Massage Oil!
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