Golden Milk or Turmeric Milk is so creamy, warm and soothing – have you ever tried it before?
Ayurvedic Masters dub this drink the “Golden Goddess” because of it’s endless potential benefits to your entire nervous system, not to mention it can aid in healthier, glowing skin and digestion! Bonus!
When you splice in the neverending possibilities that CBD oil may bring to your health and you’ve got more than a golden goddess – you’ll be a golden warrior!
You might be wondering: Why would I ever want to drink Golden Milk?
Some of the wonderful side effects below may surprise you and have you running to the store to buy all the turmeric you can find!
Where does Golden Milk come from?
It comes from Ayurveda.(Ayy-yer-vade-ahh) It is one of the world’s oldest whole-body healing systems and medical practices.
Ever heard of Deepak Chopra? He’s an Ayurvedic Master – and he may know a thing or two about its credibility.
Ayurveda originated in India and the beief is that your health and wellness are based on the balance of three things:
Ayurveda professionals are trained to teach us that each human being is made up of the five elements in addition to balancing mind, body, and spirit: space, air, fire, water, and earth.
Then it is believed that everyone has three doshas (Dough-sha’s) – or life-force-energies that incorporate the balance of mind, body, and spirit along with those five elements.
The three main doshas are: Vata – space and air, Pitta – fire and water, Kapha -water and earth
Everyone is a mix of all three of the doshas, but each of us has our own dominant dosha. which can indicate all of your health issues and challenges right down to the common cold. It’s actually very fascinating!
When you have issues with digestion, Ayruvedic Medicine believes that your Pitta Dosha is low, and needs more attention.
When you are constantly cold and crave heat? Your dominant dosha is Vata!
To learn more about how to determine your dosha, there’s a link below and you can take a fun quiz and see if it matches your current health situation today!
Check out the 5 benefits of CBD Oil & Golden Milk below.
The main ingredient in Golden Milk is Turmeric which has loads of antioxidants that fight cell damage.
Mix in cinnamon and ginger and you’ve got the trifecta for cell protection – essential to life!
2. Helps Inflammation & Joint Pain
CBD Oil is said to have huge anti-inflammatory healing properties including aiding and providing relief for those who suffer from arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Healthy bones? Yes please!
3. Improves your mood
Maybe you know someone who could use this benefit? What about yourself? CBD Oil has been said to improve mood and combat depression and anxiety in some people.
Turmeric has curcumin – an active compound that has been studied and researched to prove that when taken regularly, it can improve brain function!
Cue the happy feelings!
4. 3-A’s – Antiviral, Antifungal, Antibacterial. Enough said!
Honestly – if you can create a tonic in just 5-10 minutes with CBD oil that can kick viruses, bacteria, and fungus to the curb? What are you waiting for!!
5. Improves Digestion
These days with everything GMO, full of gluten and pesticides everywhere, who doesn’t suffer from digestive issues?
CBD Oil is believed to support a healthy gut, and so is ginger and turmeric. You may feel a big improvement in your digestive health because you committed to enjoying Golden Milk on a regular basis.
Win-win for your health!
Take the Dosha quiz today. Click here.
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