Want to create a tasty and savory recipe that elevates this famous drink to another level of taste?
The Caesar was invented by Canadian mixologist Walter Chell.
Tasked to create a new cocktail to celebrate the opening of a new restaurant in Calgary in 1969, he created this sensational & spicy drink.
This summer, whether you’re Canadian or not, you can happily slug back a Caesar cocktail with our suggestions for a tasty drink you’ll want to share with your friends and family!
You could even top it up with some funky additions like skewers of jalapenos, rolled up meat on top of the rim, and chunky vegetables. But keeping it simple won’t diminish the flavors at all.
Caesar cocktails are so easy to make: a healthy dose of vodka, clam-infused tomato juice, and Worcestershire sauce. Add in a little lime and hot sauce if you like it spicy, and the best part…..
How can you elevate your Caesar using CBD oil and THC?
It’s so tasty you may want to create it no matter what time of day you’re reading this!
You may enjoy the buzz you get, and it is likely that your taste buds will zing in appreciation!
Let us know how your Caesar turned out in the comments below and any additions that you’ve used to spice it up.
Happy sipping!
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