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Castor Oil and CBD Oil Packs How to Heal your Gut

healthy stomach with cbd oil

Have you ever tried an oil pack with Castor Oil & CBD Oil?

Castor Oil is rich in fatty acids and contains antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties that can benefit your gut and liver in many ways. It’s soothing, calming, and full of moisture.

You’ll feel and look great from the inside out and your gut will absolutely love you!

Hand on stomach

Pair this with CBD oil for a complete and total gut-rescue mission.

If you’ve suffered from or experienced any kind of gastrointestinal disorder, pain or discomfort (IBS, Crohns, Leaky gut syndrome, bloating, etc) you may be excited and to learn that CBD oil supports and helps to relieve inflammation in the gut, large intestine, and other organs in the digestive tract.

CBD oil also decreases pain and inflammation, as well as secondary symptoms like anxiety (which manifests and grows primarily in the gut!)

Castor Oil & CBD packs also help women with PMS relieving and targeting those pesky cramps leaving you feeling calmer and much more relaxed.

It’s important to note that CBD is not psychoactive whatsoever. What it does do is provide countless beneficial health effects without the high.

CBD is an anti-inflammatory superhero, and with its trusty sidekick Castor Oil, your “gut instinct” will be to relax and feel better in just under an hour and we’ll show you exactly how!

For the scientific lovers out there – the simple explanation is that we all have CB2 receptors located throughout our immune system that help reduce inflammation.

When using CBD Oil and Castor Oil as your dynamic duo, your body will have no choice but to respond positively and you’ll notice long-lasting results when practiced on a regular basis. 

We suggest using oil packs three times a week, in the evenings, and just before bed for the best and most beneficial results.

You may even notice your sleep pattern improves. This is just another wonderful side-effect!

relaxing with cbd oil

To Prepare your DIY Castor Oil & CBD Oil Pack here’s exactly what you’ll need:

  1. Castor Oil – all-natural, cold-pressed, and Hexane-Free.( Hexane is a crude oil chemical and not-so-great for you)
  2. The essential oil of your choice – we suggest peppermint, fennel, or lavender as they are all known to calm your stomach, but this is entirely optional.
  3. An old soft towel or three.
  4. A microwavable heating bag (oats or rice).
  5. Hot water bottle or heating pad.
  6. Old clothes that you won’t miss if they get stained (oils like to stain).
  7. Mason jar with a lid.
  8. Combine the recipe below and enjoy!
castor oil and cbd
Relieve Stomach Pain with this DIY Castor Oil and CBD Oil Pack
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Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 45 minutes
Servings: 0


  • Microwavable Oat-Bag


  • 1/2 cup castor oil all-natural, cold-pressed, Hexane-free
  • 25 mg cbd oil your choice of brand
  • 5 drops essential oil lavender, peppermint, fennel


  • Microwave your oat bag so that it’s nice a warm but not scalding hot (be careful!)
  • Lay down an old towel or two so you don’t stain or wreck your bed/couch
  • Carefully and slowly, pour the oil mixture directly onto your stomach slowly, rubbing it in everywhere, and making sure you reach the entire stomach and intestine area.
  • Lay a towel directly over top of the mixture on your stomach and then place the heated oat bag right on top
  • Rest here comfortably for 45 minutes and practice this at least 3 times weekly for the best results!
Tried this recipe?Mention @cannadish or tag #cannadish!

While you’re relaxing, why not read up on other great ways to treat your skin using CBD and THC oils!

Click here to learn more.

Another great tip: Download an app, use notes on your iPhone, or a journal to document your feelings and results! We’d love to know how you felt after your first week of Castor Oil & CBD Oil Packs. I


With any oil-based products, we always suggest you use safe, natural, and smaller amounts so that you don’t experience any reactions, and so you know you can fully enjoy your experience!

4 Responses

  1. I never heard of putting the 2 oils together.It sounds interesting. And you feel good after ?

    1. Yes, we’ve tried and noticed a lot of benefits and positive differences. It works best if you try it a few times a week- you may notice a big difference! Try it and let us know, and thank you for your comment.

  2. I am new to oils but am excited to try them. Does an oil pack work if I place it on my sore legs or arms?

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