If your muscles are feeling a bit tight post workout, this all natural recipe with CBD might help relaxing your muscles. CBD used by atheletes has increased a lot, especially for those in extreme sports. Using a CBD sports cream after a rough workout is not uncommon anymore. Therefore, we would like to show how it is simply made at home.
In 2018, the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) removed CBD from the list of prohibited substances for athletes.
There are a number of ways CBD can be used for sports. Many athletes vape CBD, this is because when CBD is inhaled, the effect is almost immediately. When CBD is used as a food supplement or topical, the effect usually kicks in around 45 minutes. However, a CBD smoothie or topical are all effective ways to use this cannabinoid in your sport regime.
Making a CBD lotion at home is very easy. It takes minutes to make, but it is important to make it right. CBD is not cheap, and we don’t want you to waste it on a failed recipe. All the ingredients in this recipe combined, can have a great effect on sore muscles. However, the recipe is not a wonder cream and in no way do we promote that it helps with medicinal conditions. It’s simply a post workout lotion that is formulated to relax your muscles after a rough workout.
To start making this recipe, you will need CBD oil. You can create CBD oil at home from raw cannabis buds, or you can buy it from a reputable brand. CBD oil made at home is created from cannabis flower with a high percentage of CBD. Therefore, you can catch a lot of other compounds in cannabis and have the full effect of all cannabinoids. This can be very beneficial. Now, lets start the recipe!
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