With the way cannabis is becoming more and more common, consumers everywhere are starting to ask how weed affects animals. After all, you can now find CBD treats for cats and CBD dog food at the local pet store. Of course, the psychoactive effects of cannabis are very different than CBD. If you have weed edibles, or THC topicals, and pets, it is important to be responsible. If you have a pet and consume cannabis, it is important to know what to do if your pet gets into your stash.
It turns out, animals can get high from weed. That does not mean it’s good for them. This is because the bodies of humans and those of animals are actually quite different. What might be a fun and relaxing activity for a human can be pretty terrifying for an animal. The effects of cannabis on animals can be incredibly strong. Of course, dogs don’t necessarily have an understand of what happens to their body when compared to humans. Now, imagine being drugged against your will with something you did not know was coming. It probably wouldn’t be a very good experience. That’s how an animal would feel if they got into your stash.
Humans and animals all have endocannabinoid systems in their bodies called CB1 and CB2 receptors. These receptors interact with the cannabinoids in marijuana that govern the psychoactive high it is so well-known for. Interestingly, where these receptors are located and how they work differ between humans and animals. These difference may lend the fact that animals do not handle marijuana as well as humans.
So, if you’ve ever wondered, is marijuana toxic to animals? The answer is, in most cases — yes. Many scientific studies of marijuana utilize rats and mice for testing. This is because other animals are not so tolerant of THC. Even amongst mice and rats, cannabinoid receptors differ. Each species has its own unique endocannabinoid system and respond differently to the effects of marijuana.
There is a reason you don’t see medical marijuana with THC for dogs anywhere. That’s because it is toxic for canines. If you’re pondering if marijuana is toxic for cats, the answer is yes.
Dogs and cats actually have more cannabinoid receptors than humans. This makes them highly sensitive to the effects of weed. The high that comes from THC can actually be very traumatic for animals. It is obvious that they do not enjoy it.
In addition to the bad experience that THC gives animals, it can also be very bad for their health. In dogs, marijuana can cause serious health problems with terrifying sense of panic. It can lead to seizures, sedation, and in some cases, death. Felines can also have a very similar response to the THC in cannabis.
Furthermore, like dogs and cats, horses can also get stoned. They also react very poorly to this substance. As with other animals, it can make them feel a strong sense of panic and they will likely be traumatized by the experience.
Consequently, THC is considered toxic for horses as well. Dosing a horse with THC can lead to serious medical complications. If they receive a high dose of marijuana, it can actually be fatal. Plus, there really is no reason to get a horse high. So, why do it? Why do this to any animal, for that matter!?
With the increased legalization of marijuana, calls to emergency veterinarians about weed ingestion are becoming more and more common. Pot brownies or weed gummies left out on a coffee table are easy pickings for a curious dog. Obviously, the effects are not good.
If your dog gets into your stash, you may notice the negative effects of THC in canines right away. Some of the symptoms include a stumbling gait, dribbling urine, and seizures. Marijuana intoxication in an animal is a serious deal, and should be dealt with by a licensed veterinarian immediately.
That’s why you’ll want to get your pet medical help right away. The sooner, the better as your veterinarian will be able to hydrate your pet and keep qualified eye on them. The effects of marijuana intoxication in animals can show up quickly, or take a few hours. They can also last as long as a few days. Your veterinarian can help keep them safe, and make sure the situation doesn’t progress to something fatal.
What to do if your pet gets into your stash: SEEK EMERGENCY VETERINARIAN ASSISTANCE IMMEDIATELY.
If your pet has eaten cannabis, or cannabis edibles of any kind and you don’t live near a veterinary emergency facility, contact the ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center by calling 888-426-4435.
Keep your weed out of reach of any animals — whether they’re dogs, cats, horses, or kangaroos, no creature on this planet should have to experience an unwanted high.
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